Garrett Jake has a major booboo on his chin! I won't gross anyone out by posting photos of it, but it all started about two years ago with a nasty fall from a slide at preschool that resulted in a huge puffy scar under the chin. Then, last Tuesday, there was a note in his folder that said he'd fallen off of the same slide again, and hit his chin and eye. The result was a bit of a reddish/purple eye and a nasty bruise under his chin...right next to the puffy scar. The last straw was Thursday at swim class when he jumped off into the water and hit his chin on the side of the pool. It gashed his chin open, again. We had to leave because it was bleeding, but I managed to get it under control with pressure and a Diego bandaid. Where would we be without our Diego bandaids????? I just don't know what I'm going to do with that child! He's a walking accident! :0)
On a lighter note, I took the boys to see UP last night at the cheap movie with Erica and her boys. My two sat through the whole movie for the first time without melting down or having to get up fifty times to potty! :0) Thank goodness for fruit snacks...even though I had to sneak them in! I just can't feed my kids that junk at the theater. Speaking of sneaking food in, while we were in line to get tickets, my nephew, Tyler, asked his mother quite loudly when he could have all of that candy in her purse... You should have heard the two of us trying to explain (fib) to this child that all of that candy was for the Halloween carnival at his school...the things we do to save a buck...or ten...the two small sodas I sprung for were $7.50! OUCH!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
UH, OH...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
T-ball, Trophies, and Bad Pizza...
Don't bother spending your hard-earned money at Pizza Warehouse! It isn't good (I'd rather eat Chuck E. Cheese) and the games are horrible, many not functioning properly!
Last night was the t-ball trophy party at PW. I had never been before, and I won't be back. It's no one's fault, just not a good pizza place.
Anyway, the kids had a good enough time and Braden is in love with this trophy! Braden and his new prized possession.
Pirate Party...
As a big four-year-old boy, Garrett was finally able to have his first "friend party" for his birthday. We phased through several options, beginning with Spiderman and finally ending up with pirates. As it happens, this time of year and pirates can only equal scary Halloween ghosty type pirates. I wasn't really sure what to do. I finally stumbled upon the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything!
We had all gone to see it at the theatre when it came out, so I don't know why I didn't think of it right away. But, it was perfect! Not scary, not nightmare-inducing, but pirates nonetheless.
The boys helped me make blue cupcakes with sprinkles for the guests. Everyone went home with treasure maps, pirate treasure, and great memories of the dance contest - soundtrack courtesty of Veggie Tales Silly Songs!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
New Friends...
Eric, the boys, and I have finally gotten to know our new neighbors! We are all very excited, since we only knew one neighbor, Larry, on Blackjack...Noreen lived way down the street. Anyway, turns out that Michelle and I share several acquaintances from our younger days and the kids all love playing together on the swing set...not to mention building "castles" and "volcanoes" in the wide sea of dirt that stands between our lawn and their fresh build. It's great fun! I have also found a kindred spirit who is into sewing, scrapping, crafting, etc...I'm sure Eric is thrilled! More, more, more of anything and everything crafty!!! :0) So, welcome, new neighbors! Glad you're here!