Friday, June 24, 2011
Braden, Our Little Clothes Horse...
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Officially Unfinished...
As Eric and I prepared to leave the hospital with our older two boys, we knew we were bringing them home to cute, prepared, ready-to-go nurseries that had been completed months ahead of time. You'd think, being the planner that I am, that Ethan's nursery situation would be the same...lucky for him, he's little and won't remember the unfinished, completely incomplete nursery that he'll have to come home to!
With what little strength and stamina I have remaining, today I finished unpacking all of the Huggies boxes that contained seven years worth of various-sized clothing. All of it was repackaged into Space new BFFs! It's amazing to me that eight diaper boxes and four plastic tubs worth of clothing (which were stashed in three different closets around the house) can now fit into one one small space below a shelf in the nursery closet. Not a pretty picture, but it all fits. Next is to construct some sort of curtain/covering so I don't have to look at all those Space Bags every time I get into the closet for a burpie or bib!
Eric and I (mostly Eric) will be painting the ceiling white on's currently a dirty, light beige of some sort and just really makes the room darker than it needs to be. The unofficial theme of the room is birds, so I have some silver metallic bird art pieces to spray paint this weekend as well. Silver is NOT going to work in a room of browns and blues, so we'll go for a more "hammered" bronze look...Lowe's, here we come! I also have a couple of craft projects lined up. Maybe I can get started on those tomorrow (today, actually, seeing as how it in the AM HOURS AND I'M AWAKE...again).
My sister, Erica, and I have a double baby shower at church on Sunday afternoon. My big plan was to wait until after this shower to see exactly what we still need to properly plan for Ethan's arrival home. Well, Monday at my check-up, the due date was changed to next week! So, I've gone on ahead and ordered a few NECESSITIES from my own registry, praying that they'll arrive before Ethan does! He may have his fresh, new crib bedding ready to go...and he might not. Like I said, it's a good thing he's too young to remember, because this boy's hangout won't be finished until, well...who knows???
Monday, June 20, 2011
It Is Not For Me To Question God's Will (Caution, tear-jerker)...
I know nothing compared to the Lord's wisdom and the plans he has in store for each of us; however, if I could ask God one thing, I would want to know why Eric's father is not here with us today. On Father's Day, I have wondered that very thing for five consecutive years now...and obviously at other key times as well. I wonder why he's been called to Heaven and has to miss t-ball and soccer games, Grandparent's Day, preschool graduations, school functions of various sorts, etc. I know that he would relish being involved in Braden's Boy Scout activities and that he would put a firm foot down to help stop Garrett's suddenly "smart" mouth...but in only the way a grandparent could. I know that he would sit in the kitchen and dunk Oreos with my boys (and me, too?) and that he would go fishing with them and their daddy. I know that he would cherish Ethan the very same way that he doted on Braden and Garrett...the pictures of him snuggling our babies are now priceless treasures.
Our boys have experienced much loss in the way of fatherly figures and they know all too well the devestation of disease and old age. "Cancer" is a common term for my children, even though they don't fully comprehend what it entails. Braden and Garrett know, even at so young an age, that everyone's Earthly life will end at some point and that we must trust in God's love to bring us all together again in Heaven. They remember Grandpa's passing, but were so young when Curley and Papaw passed...they only "remember" the stories we so willingly share of these great men who loved them, but have since gone on before them. I have some solace in the fact that my grandfathers, at least, lived long productive lives, and were such a huge part of my own upbringing. But, I am heartbroken at this one time each year that my husband has lost his father before his own children could revel in Papa Curley's love, affection, attention, humor, and wisdom. These things can never be replaced by anyone else here on Earth, for nothing can replace the special bond between grandparent and grandchild. I am so sad that our boys will never know that relationship, my own father unable to provide it.
I know that "normal" is a relative term, and to say our boys have a "normal" upbringing is relative as well. Their normal is a life filled with Mom and Dad, their grandmothers and greatgrandmothers, and countless other adults who almost fill the void left by those who are no longer in our lives. Our family has been blessed by so many who have reached out to us, created relationships with us, and -most importantly- somewhat bridged the chasm left by the absence of this key member of our family. There are others in this world who have suffered similar-and worse- loss of family. There are others who have children with no grandparents to speak of. There are others whose tragedy far outweighs what we've gone through, and continue to deal with, in the absence of Eric's dad, in particular. It is not for me to question God's will or to sit around feeling sorry for myself, my husband, or our boys. But sometimes I just wonder why it has to be this way...
Saturday, June 18, 2011
What's Up With the Blogs?...
So, I was going through the list of blogs that I follow and noticed some very strange stuff. Some folks have stopped blogging, some folks have gone private, and some simply seem to have dropped off the face of the earth. My very favorite blog of all time was The Sew Cute Shop, which I ran across a few years ago on Etsy. It's GONE! WHAT?!?!?!?!?! Ugh! I LOVE this woman's work, crafts, ethics, and just plain dig her approach to life...and now she's gone...disappeared...poof...vamoosh! Oh, the pain, the agony...
Blogger pals, so sorry to see you go...
Ethan Robert Springs-35 Weeks...
Reminiscing on Edwardsville...
2:55 AM...
It's nearly three o'clock in the morning, and here I sit...
Garrett came storming in around 12ish to tell me that he "needed" me. After getting him back to sleep and wedging myself between two large pillows, I discovered that Ethan was awake, too, and rolling around on my rib cage. NO SLEEP! I did take Tylenol PM, but now I'm just groggy and can't sleep. I've been sitting here on the computer for the better part of an hour or so. Ethan is finally sleeping again, so perhaps I can attempt to go back to bed...or maybe not...
Friday, June 17, 2011
Bully Buster...
Then there's the photo above. Several older boys, probably 10-11 years old, were charging the smaller kids a quarter just to be able to slide down the slide. Braden said he guessed the password correctly ("banana"), but Alex gave them a quarter to slide. He came to tell his mom and she told him to go get his money back. He was timid, so I offered to go with him. That's Braden in the red T-shirt and Alex beside him in blue. I just asked the one Alex pointed to if he had their money, but he said he hadn't taken anyone's money...but that he'd gladly give Alex a quarter if he wanted it. Mmhmm...several kids then rolled their buddy under the bus and said he had, in fact, taken money on the slide. The kid pulled, like, $2 in quarters out of his pocket and returned Alex's money.
Just to insure that said bully's big momma didn't come lookin' for me, I finished up with a mini-lecture to the whole group about playing nice with each other on the playground. At this point, some preteen lookin' girl piped up and said "I told them that, I told them!" I guess she was supposed to be watching after them or something. Big momma never did come after me, but I stuck close to the dugout until it was time to go...just in case...
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Ethan Wants Out...
I'm having a very difficult time today getting ANYTHING done...Ethan has dropped, head down, and is constantly pressing on my left hip bone! Really, all I want to do is lay down and nap, which will NOT work with two boys in the house. :0) My next appointment in Monday and I can't wait to check his progress, then pick his birthday! It's time,'s definitely time. Ethan wants out and Mamma wants him out...
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Late Easter Post...
This was our now annual Easter tradition, egg hunting at the Eagles lodge. It's a little strange, having small children hunt for eggs around the dance floor and in full sight of the bar, but it's a good time and always goes off without a hitch, rain or shine. And, since this year's Easter was water-logged, we were all about the indoor hunt!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Garrett's Grace Graduation...
How's that for an alliterative title??? Back in May, Garrett graduated from Grace Place Preschool...and was voted by his teachers to be most likely to become a track star because he's always running...and running FAST!
Memorial Day Fun...
That Nana...she's one of a kind! And what a good sport. Not only was it her brilliant idea to entertain four little boys with silly string, she let them shoot it at her, too!
Great American Pastime...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Ethan's Baby Shower...
Jen and I at the shower...below is a photo of us abour 2 1/2 or so years ago that mysteriously showed up on the shower table. We were suprised in a good way!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Our Cub Scout...
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Time Gets Away...
My enormous seven-month baby belly...poor's pretty intimidating to have to stand by it!
What more could a mother ask for on Mother's Day? One chocolate-covered kid and one who was forced to smile...that would be Braden. Literally, we had to threaten him. What gives???
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
If Heaven Weren't So Far Away...
This song reminds me so much of my own grandfathers, from selling produce on the side of the road (Papaw) to beating around in the old truck (Grandpa). And what I wouldn't give to be able to drive on up to Heaven and introduce my boys to Papa Curley...Ok, so I cried on the way to work the other day when I heard this.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Flat Stanley Rides Again...
It was too much for Braden. He just had to get in on the action and both boys were psyched to pose with the "Indians" in the rainforest biome. By the way, Braden was totally ticked that there was no FS project when he was at Grace...and I quote..."What's the deal?" From the mouths of babes...
The Toof Fairy...
So, the backstory with Braden's teeth, is that they've been ever so loose for ever so long. They were beginning to become discolored because they really were just sort of hanging in longer attached to anything official. While brushing his teeth, I just slid a floss stick in between and popped the first one right out. The other, I just gently tugged with my fingers and it was the same thing. I told Braden he was lucky he didn't swallow them before now!
So, both teeth went in a baggie and under his pillow. Well, I'll just go ahead and admit that Eric and I both forgot...but Braden awakened me the next morning shouting that the tooth fairy had not left any money because his teeth were "stuck to Garrett's face!" Oh my...
The baggie had fallen onto the bottom bunk and Garrett rolled over on it, thereby sticking the plastic to his drooly cheek. Braden told me he snatched them up and put them back under his own pillow, but then realized the sun was up and it was too late. We made a plan to stick them under a different pillow the next night (he's only got, like four) and that surely the tooth fairy would try again.
Try again she did...and left $20!!!!! Holy cow! In the end, all of the tears and worry over changed speech patterns was well worth it. Now, combined, the boys finally have enough money to purchase the coveted Hoth Lego set...they've saved up their Grandma Susie Valentine money and some chore money. The tooth fairy just put them right over the top! The only problem is, now Garrett is plotting just how to go about getting one of his teeth out...
Friday, March 25, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
5 1/2 Months...And Counting...
On a similar note, my little sister, Erica, is due to have her baby a few weeks after ours...we found out today that she is having a boy as well! So, that's six boys between us! WHAT ARE THE ODDS?????
Braden and Garrett were disappointed at first that they weren't getting the little girl of their dreams. However, reality is sinking in and they are dreaming up all the fun things they can teach their baby brother...I'm having nightmares about it! What this child won't think of on his own, Darrel and Darrel are bound to put him up to!
As for names, we are tapped...all the really good ones are taken, after all! I have wracked my brain for names that mean something to me (as I did for my other boys), but nothing works. I may have to resort to a baby name list. In the mean time, some suggestions from the boys have been Lightbulb, Count Duku ("Doodoo"), Darth Vader, Luke (Skywalker), and Boba Fet...see a pattern? I have officially declared all Star Wars names off limits! Wonder if George Lucas had any inkling that SW would be so popular with the next generation...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Braden's Big Win...
*Just a side note...those are two good-lookin' boys. Can't wait to add a third future-hottie to the mix! :0)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Boy Scout Banquet...
The England Project...
So, how does Garrett's (my) box look? He told his class all about the queen, her palace guards ("the fuzzy hat guys"), the crown jewels, the "Union Jack" flag, and the Queen's fav vacation residence...Windsor Castle, built over 900 years ago by William the Conqueror. Garrett was really hung up on the 900 years ago bit...really interesting to him (yeah, he loves history!).
He made a superb presentation and Mom made a really nifty box! I'm sort of proud of my work, as if you couldn't tell!