Sunday, March 27, 2011
Flat Stanley Rides Again...
It was too much for Braden. He just had to get in on the action and both boys were psyched to pose with the "Indians" in the rainforest biome. By the way, Braden was totally ticked that there was no FS project when he was at Grace...and I quote..."What's the deal?" From the mouths of babes...
The Toof Fairy...
So, the backstory with Braden's teeth, is that they've been ever so loose for ever so long. They were beginning to become discolored because they really were just sort of hanging in longer attached to anything official. While brushing his teeth, I just slid a floss stick in between and popped the first one right out. The other, I just gently tugged with my fingers and it was the same thing. I told Braden he was lucky he didn't swallow them before now!
So, both teeth went in a baggie and under his pillow. Well, I'll just go ahead and admit that Eric and I both forgot...but Braden awakened me the next morning shouting that the tooth fairy had not left any money because his teeth were "stuck to Garrett's face!" Oh my...
The baggie had fallen onto the bottom bunk and Garrett rolled over on it, thereby sticking the plastic to his drooly cheek. Braden told me he snatched them up and put them back under his own pillow, but then realized the sun was up and it was too late. We made a plan to stick them under a different pillow the next night (he's only got, like four) and that surely the tooth fairy would try again.
Try again she did...and left $20!!!!! Holy cow! In the end, all of the tears and worry over changed speech patterns was well worth it. Now, combined, the boys finally have enough money to purchase the coveted Hoth Lego set...they've saved up their Grandma Susie Valentine money and some chore money. The tooth fairy just put them right over the top! The only problem is, now Garrett is plotting just how to go about getting one of his teeth out...
Friday, March 25, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
5 1/2 Months...And Counting...
On a similar note, my little sister, Erica, is due to have her baby a few weeks after ours...we found out today that she is having a boy as well! So, that's six boys between us! WHAT ARE THE ODDS?????
Braden and Garrett were disappointed at first that they weren't getting the little girl of their dreams. However, reality is sinking in and they are dreaming up all the fun things they can teach their baby brother...I'm having nightmares about it! What this child won't think of on his own, Darrel and Darrel are bound to put him up to!
As for names, we are tapped...all the really good ones are taken, after all! I have wracked my brain for names that mean something to me (as I did for my other boys), but nothing works. I may have to resort to a baby name list. In the mean time, some suggestions from the boys have been Lightbulb, Count Duku ("Doodoo"), Darth Vader, Luke (Skywalker), and Boba Fet...see a pattern? I have officially declared all Star Wars names off limits! Wonder if George Lucas had any inkling that SW would be so popular with the next generation...
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Braden's Big Win...
*Just a side note...those are two good-lookin' boys. Can't wait to add a third future-hottie to the mix! :0)