Sunday, July 18, 2010

Project Update...

Well, I stayed up LATE working on the first coat of paint for my desk.  That magical mixture of both appropriate temperature and humidity came together around nine.  So, Eric set up his spotlight for me, but it had to be kept WAY back since it gets so could literally ignite the vapors!  And, you will all be proud to know that I stayed and fought the good fight with two big, hairy spiders (the big-web ones that I can't stand!).  One was RED, and the other was black with a huge white spot...but they're both dead now!  I win!  The "hammered" finish didn't turn out on some parts of the finish, but I'm going to try a second coat this evening...late.  At the very least, it's still a cool silvery/black finish and looks amazing compared to what I started with!  I am so excited!  Basically, $56 worth of spray paint and I've got a new treasure!  Awesome!