Wednesday, December 30, 2009

White Christmas...Everyone Else Posted One, Why Not Me?

Sunrise into our valley on Christmas morning. You can just see the golden rays of sun touching the tips of the treetops midphoto. This was the chilly view from my front porch.

Looking towards the cul-de-sac, the sun finally rises over the brim of the mountain...hill...whatever that is over there...

You can see the outline of the creek running into the edge of our backyard. Don't you think sepia makes it look like a Christmas card?

Uncle Mike made us this light-up Rudy long ago. He's a sturdy one, what with the snow dusting his nose

This is the barn on the farm that is on the other side of the backyard fence. I bet those cows think it's February with all the NEVER snows here in December!