Friday, February 4, 2011

What Were the Odds?...

Really, what were the chances that EVERY school all around us would cancel in the middle of the day, but not Fort Smith?????  I can tell you which one DID cancel...the preschool!  And, being the semi-single parent that I am, I'll give you one guess as to who had to go fetch the children.  Come on, you got this...!  I'm not bitter or angry at Eric, hey, one of us has to do it.  It's just frustrating that it always seems to be something.  So, FS never did call off, but I had a heck of a time getting home over the "big hill," as the boys call it.  I was sliding all over the place trying to get out of the parking lots of all three schools, but NOW?????  NOW, my yard/house/etc are COVERED in snow, but the road is CLEAR!  What in the world?  I guess they'll just have to dock me a 1/2 day, 'cause I couldn't have gotten back to work on a bet...and who would want to with two rowdy boys in tow?

So, again, what were the odds?  Pretty good, apparently.  (BTW, Garrett's new favorite word is "apparently."  Apparently, I use "apparently" a LOT around here.)

Spring, when o when will you arrive?  You teased us last Saturday...not fair...